Torrance Courthouse.
Torrance Superior Court.

Some of the cities that this courthouse serves are Torrance, Carson, Redondo Beach, Lawndale, Gardena, and Manhattan Beach. The courthouse serves cases and court appearances for both misdemeanor charges and felony charges. Along with felony and misdemeanor charges, Alhambra courthouse has a small claims court for any small claim or suit. If you need anything from a small claim to a felony sentencing hearing, one of the clerks at the main desk at the entrance of the courthouse could direct you to the correct office to handle any of your questions or concerns. The courthouse also contains a sheriff’s

department to ensure the safety of the city as well as the courthouse itself. It also offers a probation officer for pre trial services as well as probation services. Once the defendant is done at the courthouse, he or she will be transferred to the county jail, but you have the option of bailing you or your loved one out at the courthouse. So it is very important that you bail him or her or yourself out ASAP to keep from going to the county jail. However, in order to bail someone out at the courthouse, you must post it before 2:30 because the Torrance courthouse will not accept any bail after that time. If you need a bail bond, you must make sure they could finish it in time and our agents are specially trained to do so.